“Verbal communication “,” non-verbal communication”, “interpersonal communication”, “didactic communication”, “communication and public relations”… at least 3,700,000 pages of information online on Google. However, in an age […]
When I decided in 2008 to give up my corporate career, after 13 years of intense activity in multiple geographic areas and diverse cultures, various industries […]
A Harvard Business School article – based on a survey of 838 managers, 6 multinational companies, 3 continents, reveals their views on 11 characteristics of a […]
Talent management – another priority during the crisis? What do we choose – competence and innovation, or cost? Short term or sustainability? What changes must take […]
It is not by chance when accessing the famous search engine “google”, “key performance indicators “query has over 28,600,000 references displayed in less than 0.28 seconds. […]